Can I Stream YouTube With 3G: Everything You Need To Know RN

Creating a YouTube Channel and streaming other channels are our daily courses of action. Whether it is about valuable content, a source of entertainment, or news; YouTube owns everything! In this article, you will learn Can I stream YouTube with 3G? Dig in and see which network works best for you.

Many YouTubers create catchy content on YouTube just so as to build up their career and do well on a monetary basis. They make the best use of all the YouTube features and provide a good reliable platform for their well-researched ideas and content creation.

Head on further to learn if Can I stream YouTube with 3G and how to stream HD-quality videos on 3G on iPhone. Check it out and it’s surely all worth it.

Can I Stream YouTube With 3G?

Can I Stream Youtube With 3G: Everything You Need To Know RN

As per the YouTube policy, a user can watch videos on the application on their phones using a 3G network. However, HD-quality video is not well supported by 3G. It required a stable Wi-Fi network.

Answering your question, Yes, you can stream YouTube with 3G but unfortunately not the HD ones. HD videos strictly require a stable Wi-Fi connection.

You can watch on 3G if you don’t get bothered by the quality of your video but you can also download a modded apk in order to watch HD-quality videos on your mobile.

How to Watch HD Quality YouTube Videos On 3G On iPhone?

Can I Stream YouTube With 3G: Everything You Need To Know RN

Yes, you can watch HD-quality YouTube videos on 3G on your iPhone. Here’s how you can stream high-quality videos on iPhone:

  1. Head on to Safari browser.
  2. Type YouTube in the search field > tap OK.
  3. Click on the video you wish to watch > look for the HQ option > and click HQ.
  4. Lastly, watch your choice of video on iPhone on a 3G network.

However, you must update some of the settings to watch HD-quality videos on 3G on YouTube.

How to Change Settings on iPhone For 3G Activation

Can I Stream YouTube With 3G: Everything You Need To Know RN

Here’s how you can change the settings of your iPhone for 3G activation:

  1. Open Settings on your device.
  2. Click the option Network Setting > further, and tap to update the option.
  3. Choose 3G from 4G.
  4. And your settings will be updated as a whole.

All you need to do to stream HD quality videos on 3G on iPhone is update the settings and select the option HQ from the range of options you have on YouTube.

Can I Stream YouTube With 3G

Wrapping Up

This was all about if Can I Stream YouTube with 3G and how to watch HD-quality videos on 3G on iPhone. Check out the guide mentioned above and see if this helps you today. Also, do make us a part of your precious experiences.

Path of EX is an open space. Come along if you have any doubts and we will get back to you asap.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I stream YouTube With 3G?

Yes, you can stream YouTube with 3G. Although, the application has strict guidelines referring to the fact that HD videos do require a stable Wi-Fi network.

How to watch HD quality videos on 3G on iPhone?

1. Head on to the Safari browser
2. Type YouTube website in the search field > tap OK
3. Click on the video you wish to watch > look for the HQ option > and click HQ
4. Lastly, watch your choice of video on iPhone on a 3G network

Shivangi Gupta

Shivangi adds great value to the team with her prompt and well-researched insight. Her unprecedented love for literature is reflected well enough in her writings. She takes you on a tour to a world apart with the visual imagery in her content that urges the readers to ponder. To get the brain juices flowing, she makes sure to have a brewing cup of coffee next to her all day.

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