Gem4me: A Messenger With Useful Distinctions 

What is a messenger? Just several years ago one could say that a messenger is an application for exchanging messages. However, nowadays a messenger is a digital habitat for modern users and there is practically no exaggeration in this regard. 

Average messengers offer numerous capabilities: sending text messages, audio, and video message, placing voice calls, hosting video conferences, creating group chats, and much more. Apart from the standard messengers, there are also ecosystem applications, the capabilities of which are even broader: they offer hosting information channels and generating articles, reading the news, purchasing and selling products and services and much more.  

Each messenger offers its own distinct functions and capabilities, approach to users, and overall positioning.  

Gem4me messenger-ecosystem is significantly different from similar applications and follows its own individual development path by prioritizing the needs and interests of users throughout the creation of each new service.

Care for the user

The approach by developers of a software product towards their users is evident in both global aspects, such as stability of operation or connection quality, as well as, in minor details which vastly influence the comfort and perception of the application in general. 

Gem4me took care of providing users with convenient tools for communication: it offers the ability to edit sent messages, add various reactions to messages, use animated stickers, and much more. Users truly value this approach. By far not all popular messengers with billions of users offer such functions and capabilities. 

Hosting channels 

The Gem4me ecosystem offers the capability of hosting channels — one of the most popular options with users today, not surprisingly.

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Currently, the messenger offers a variety of interesting channels on a wide range of topics — news, healthcare, technology, humor and memes, fashion, culinary, and many others. 

Moreover, those who host their own channels on the platform have the option of writing articles with convenient editing capabilities. Most importantly — it is still quite easy to gain an active audience of followers as there are still unoccupied niches in the ecosystem and the ability to pick one and develop one’s channel by means of interesting content is prevalent. 

Messenger without a phone 

Further, another distinction of Gem4me is its useful functionality of a desktop version of the application. Apart from other messengers, in order to install Gem4me on a computer it is not necessary to install or register the application on a mobile device, nor does a user need to keep his or her phone on when using the application on the desktop version. Apart from being convenient, this function is also of use in situations when a mobile device’s battery is dead or its software is outdated. 

Free video conferences 

The ability to host video conferences is offered in various messengers and other applications, although the requirements and the extent of capabilities varies from application to application. Gem4me offers video conferences completely free of charge and users are able to connect up to 1000 participants all at once. This is a major competitive advantage, especially during the time of a massive transfer to remote working and numerous events being hosted in an online format.


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A distinctive feature of an ecosystem — is having its own marketplace. Gem4me messenger has an integrated marketplace under the brand name of MarketSpace. Users can register their own stores for selling products or services promptly and with ease, as well as they are able to fully import their whole online store at once instead of importing individual positions one by one. Moreover, the audience and customers of the marketplace — are all the international users of the messenger by automation. Further, Gem4me has a built-in translator to 17 languages for the convenience of communication and commerce, which can help merchants and buyers from different countries to find common ground and interact efficiently. 

Despite the fact that Gem4me does not attract attention via scandalous news feeds and does not yet have a user base of several billion people, this messenger has a large user base all over the world who choose this modern ecosystem for their communication and life needs. 

Shivangi Gupta

Shivangi adds great value to the team with her prompt and well-researched insight. Her unprecedented love for literature is reflected well enough in her writings. She takes you on a tour to a world apart with the visual imagery in her content that urges the readers to ponder. To get the brain juices flowing, she makes sure to have a brewing cup of coffee next to her all day.

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