How to Measure Employee Experience?
Much ado is made about the value of a positive employee experience — and for good reason. Happy employees do better work, which in turn translates into a better experience for your customer base.
And, of course, satisfied customers are one of the primary pillars of profitability. Understanding this raises the question of how to ensure your workers enjoy what they’re doing at their jobs every day. To that end, let’s take a look at how to measure employee experience within your organization.
In This Article
Choosing the Key Indicators
It’s difficult to determine how to proceed toward a destination until you know where you are. Determining the critical aspects of an organization using one cut and dried measurement system will make it difficult to get a clear picture. You’ll have to tailor your choice of indicators to your specific circumstance. However, there are some commonalities that span all of the industry in general. We’ll focus on those here; just keep in mind you’ll likely need to make some tweaks for your particular application.
Worker Contentment

The best way to quantify this one is to ask your people how they feel about their jobs. This usually takes the form of an employee experience survey, which offers the bonus of providing a means of tracking progress when they’re administered at regular intervals on a consistent basis. Questions can be formulated to gain insights about the organization as a whole, the area in which an individual works, their managers, and their day-to-day experience. It is critical to ensure these surveys are anonymous so workers feel safe stating their true feelings.
Also, read 10 Strategies to Increase Productivity in the Workplace
Overall Productivity
Happy personnel turns out more and better products. This is true whether they’re factory workers building cars, or an accounting team conducting audits. People work harder when they feel appreciated, can see how what they do benefits them specifically, and feel suitably rewarded. Depending upon the nature of your business you can conduct these measurements based on hourly, daily, or monthly outcomes.
General Health
Stressed people are sick more often. They also develop conditions such as high blood pressure, ulcers, substance abuse problems, and weight gain. Regular physical examinations should be part of your routine if you’re providing health insurance. This can give you an opportunity to monitor the overall health of your workforce.
Attendance Records
This one goes hand-in-hand with the previous entry. People who call in sick a lot are not happy with their jobs. They are also likely to be looking for new ones — using their sick days to go to interviews. Aside from that, people who are overworked, or feel underappreciated in their roles tend to experience more physical ailments.
So, even if they aren’t looking for another job, they could still be less than happy about their situation. Let’s put it this way, when told by a supervisor they’ve been missing a lot of work lately, these people are likely to respond they haven’t exactly been “missing” it — OK?
Employee Turnover

What is the typical turnover rate for your industry? How does your company measure in comparison? A high attrition rate is a strong indication of dysfunction somewhere within your organizational structure. Keep track of the number of workers you have at the start of a designated interval and compare that to how many are still around at the end of that period. How many new people were hired to fill unexpected openings in the interim?
These are but five of a number of indicators you can monitor to measure employee experience in your company. Paying attention to the way your people feel about working for your company will have a decided influence on the overall profitability of your concern.