Pandora Wrapped 2022 | Pandora Playback no More
It’s December. Spotify Wrapped 2022 has reigned over the internet for 6 days straight. Now Pandora users are getting curious about Pandora Wrapped 2022. Well, it is called Pandora Playback, but Wrapped has become the Scotch tape for all the year-in-reviews by streaming platforms.
Pandora Playback was last released in 2021. Pandora ran the feature to thank its users for using Pandora to stream music. Playback was a year-in-review of Pandora subscribers’ activity on the streaming platform. It was like Spotify Wrapped, but not exactly. Pandora Playback included something unique; in its own words, “some things that you might not have listened to yet that we think you will love.”
So is Pandora Wrapped 2022 a real thing? Is this happening? Pandora users are curious. And they want to get this feature as they don’t want to live in FOMO. Well, let’s find out.
In This Article
Is There Going to be a Pandora Wrapped 2022?

I you look at Social Media Today, Spotify Wrapped is everywhere. But Pandora Wrapped 2022? It is nowhere to be found. Is it even a thing? Well no! There is nothing called Pandora Wrapped. However, Pandora gave us something similar to Spotify Wrapped last year. It was called Pandora Playback.
Sadly, Pandora didn’t release Playback this year. Pandora confirmed it officially that they won’t compete with Spotify Wrapped in 2022. When a member of the Pandora community forum opened a thread about Playback 2022 on October 25, many people joined the thread. A moderator with the username AdamPandora replied four days later, “Pandora’s Playback user year-in-review is no longer available. Thanks to all of the listeners who have supported the feature.”

The discontinuation of Pandora Playback has disappointed a bunch of its users. They have taken their agony to Twitter, saying that they have been waiting for Playback 2022 all year. Someone also tweeted that this could be all the reason for them to switch to Spotify.
Pandora Wrapped 2022 Alternatives
Even if Pandora doesn’t have Wrapped, there are other great streaming apps that have their own versions of Wrapped in 2022. They are:
Wrapping Up
I personally have nothing against Pandora. I am not even so much into this end-of-year listening habit statistic thing. But a lot of other diehard fans of musicians and streaming platforms are crazy about Wrapped. It gives them a sense of belonging. It unites listeners and makes them feel good about using the services of a streaming app. So, there is no Pandora Wrapped 2022. And that is it! It cannot be helped. The sun is gonna rise and set regardless.