5 Best Indie Games for PC in 2022 | Play For Free On Your Windows
Indie games are unmatched to play. If you too are an Indie games fan and want to try more games of the same type, then we have got you the Best Indie Games for PC in 2022.
The internet world is full of Indie games and gives you a great experience. Well, it’s impossible to believe that an independent game can gain such a huge popularity in less time. Yes, all cannot be the best, that is why we the guide for you to get the best out of all the available options.
What unique features do these games have? Why choose these for being the best Indie games for PC in 2022? You will get to know about all these through this post. Below is the guide for the features, pros, cons, size, and a lot more.
In This Article
5 Best Indie Games for PC in 2022
All the Indie will add the tint of fun to your day. Read along to know more about these games and why these games deserve to be on the list of best Indie games for PC.
1. Disco Elysium

Bring out your detective skills with Disco Elysium. It is a powerful, poetic, haunting, and hilarious game with a twist in the lineup.
Be the hero of the town by interrogating unforgettable characters, crack murders, or taking bribes, Else it will be a disaster. Be a realistic person and do whatever you want to do in real life, Be intimidated, do sweet-talk, do violence, write poetry, dance like a beast, or solve the meaning of life.
You can get to play with 24 different skills. To make stand out from others, you can choose your attire as well from the 80 clothes items to develop a personal style. Also, you have the access to use 14 tools. These range from guns to flashlights to a boombox,
Not to forget, this has got a revolutionary dialogue system with an unforgettable character voice. Use the tools and the characters to play against each other, or try to help them.
What else?
Explore, manipulate, collect tare. You can choose to become a millionaire in an open world, unlike anything you’ve seen before!!!
From the streets to the beaches of Revachol is just yours. The choice is yours, either solve a massive murder mystery with the extraordinary investigation or relax. You need to win real challenges. And what you will decide, the citizens will abide.
Features of Disco Elysium; one of the best Indie games for PC in 2022-
- Solve real challenges like a massive murder investigation, or relax and kick back with sprawling side-cases.
- You will get to play with 24 wildly different skills.
- Give voice to your character with 40+ different voices.
- Feel free to develop a personal style. You can choose from 80 clothes items.
- Use among 14 tools. These tools can range from guns to flashlights and further to a boombox. Or you can also pour yourself a cocktail of 6 different psychoactive substances.
- You can develop a character for yourself. It has got the characters with 60 wild thoughts to think – with the detective’s Thought Cabinet.
- Explore, manipulate, collect tare or become a millionaire in an open world, unlike anything you’ve seen before.
- Nothing is off the table here. Indulge in the mysteries of Death, sex, taxes, and disco.
- It has got A revolutionary dialogue system with unforgettable characters
User score: 9.3*
Compatibility: Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system Windows 7 with at least 2GB RAM
Age rating: The game contains an exploration of crime scenes and instances of substance abuse.
Pricing: It costs $12.99 and offers in-app purchases as well.
2. Among Us

This game is almost at every corner of the internet, especially on social media platforms.
It’s not sad when your enemy kills you but it’s a big deal when your friend kills you. Right? Well, this is that game where one of the people of the troop is the imposter. The game developers are looking for an imposter who wants to play games! And if you are that guy of the group, then come on. Let’s Play it.
It is a multiplayer game that can be played online as well as offline over local wi-fi with 4-10 players as you attempt to prepare your spaceship for departure, but beware as one will be an impostor bent on killing everyone. SHHHHHH…. focus and observe!
How to win?
Are you thinking about winning in such a situation? Then it’s simple. The crewmates can win by completing the tasks assigned and vote the imposter off the ship to save themselves else they will lose. And if you are the imposter you have to do the opposite.
Make chaos, kill crewmates and make them easy targets. This is also the Best Casual Game for PC as well.
Features of Among Us; one of the best Indie games for PC in 2022-
- Connect with your friends(crewmates) in a multiplayer game of teamwork AND CHEATING!!
- Play it online or over local WiFi with 4-10 players as you try to prepare your aircraft for departure!
- Warning! beware as one will be an impostor eager to kill everyone!
- Your friends (Crewmates) can win by completing all tasks or doing an investigation and discovering, then consequently voting the impostor off the ship.
- The Impostor can use sabotage to cause chaos, making for easier kills and better alibis.
User score: 9.5*
Compatibility: Requires Windows Windows 7 SP1+ with at least 1GB RAM
Pricing: It costs $4.99.
3. Rocket League

The ultimate car racing indie game is here!
Rocket League is not just another Indie game for PC. It is the best and the most demanding game for racing game lovers. Rocket League is a High-powered arcade-style vehicular mayhem game.
You can enjoy a handful of new features like open-wheel, touring, endurance, rallycross, and GT racing. Play in the in-game events. It has got Limited-time modes as well. Drag your wheel from haunted hallows to the frosty fest. You can unlock these levels by playing online! And keep the hunt on for the new arenas.
The difficulty level doesn’t end as one day cup championship. It is a multi-level game. You can unlock the levels by playing harder.
It has several new exotic cars to choose from. Even you can customize with almost endless customization possibilities.
Improvement is not yet over!
The game engines are also boosted according to the delivery frame rate. Bring on all the excitement to get in-game items for competing in the challenges, browse the items available in the shop. You can also have the access to the premium content for your car via Blueprint.
What else does one need?
Features of Rocket League; one of the best Indie games for PC in 2022-
- It is a high-powered hybrid of Arcade-style league.
- You can customize your car and hit the field to compete in one of the most critically acclaimed sports game.
- Has got several on-going online challenges to compete daily.
- It is a cross-platform progression game.
- You can share your Rocket league competitive rank to the connected platforms.
- You can play on various locations like hallows to the frosty fest and unlock various new lands by playing it online.
User score: 9.3*
GENRE: Action, Indie, Racing, Sports
Compatibility: Requires Windows Windows 7 SP1+ with at least 1GB RAM
Pricing: It costs $4.99.
4. Hades’ Star

Get into the scientific world of space and build a mighty space empire.
Hade’s Star is the unique space strategy game that has got the tag to be the best Indie game for PC in 2022 as well. It gives you the chance to leave your mark among millions of Hades’ Star players in a persistent galaxy that constantly grows and evolves.
This game is about colonizing numerous planets and watching their growth from being a lifeless rock to a fully functional living land. You can expand your empire with time by playing to own multiple outposts. And there are no unfair means to steal so be relaxed for your territory.
Over time, you will get the chance to command a formidable fleet and research advanced technology. Also, this is a multiplayer game but not all are your enemies. And you can manage your relationships with those players as well and make strategies for the next step of action.
Moreover, you can participate in diverse missions and gain exciting rewards that will enhance your gameplay.
Features of Hades’ Star; one of the best Indie games for PC in 2022-
- You can Colonize several different planets and watch them grow from lifeless rocks to a fully functional hub of activities.
- Build combat, mining, and trade ships and you can customize them as well with the help of the power modules.
- Play with other players in dangerous Red Stars and retrieve resources before the star goes Supernova.
- you can compete in missions in the intense, rapidly collapsing Blue stars to get then finished and in return get rewarded.
- Organize with other players in Corporations and participate in highly strategic White Star missions to get a clear win.
- There is no means to cheat!!! so be fearless and play and grow at your own pace.
- It has a 24*7 support that is ready to help you out any time.
User score: 9.6*
GENRE: Science
Compatibility: Requires Windows Vista SP1+ with at least 2GB RAM
Pricing: It is a free game.
5. Untitled Goose Game

Leave everything and be a goose!!
Yes, a goose…. the game has a storyline of a lovely morning in the village. But you are a horrible goose that makes everyone’s life terrible.
Untitled Goose Game is a slapstick stealth sandbox. All you need to do is be a nasty goose in an unsuspecting village. Make your way around town. You can come walking around the peoples’ back gardens to the high street shops Or to other places like the village green, and more.
What do you have to do? Just irritate people and enjoy.
And it is better to be two… Is it?
Yes, two horrible geese. You can now enjoy it with your friend in a new two-player cooperative mode. Team up and be a headache in others’ heads.
Features of Untitled Goose Game; one of the best Indie games for PC in 2022-
- It’s simple, A horrible goose (that’s you)
- A town full of people just trying to get on with their day (you hate them).
- It has a dedicated honk button.
- You can play through the entire game with two players as well. Have a new goose, new honk, but still horrible.
User score: 9.9*
GENRE: Action, Indie
Compatibility: Requires Windows Vista SP1 with at least 830 MB available space.
Pricing: It is a paid game and costs $10.
Wrapping Up
So these are the Best Indie Games for PC in 2022. All these games are interesting to play. If you love playing unique games go for Disco Elysium. but if you love a casual game with the funny touch in that, go for Untitled Goose Game. Well, I am sure that you will love these games, no matter what genre you like.
Gamers, now it’s your turn to try all these Best Indie Games for PC in 2022 and go with the best that suits your taste.