How to Play Chess With ChatGPT | Basic Guide with Prompts & Examples
The most talked about bot in town, ChatGPT, is making rounds on the internet since its release. The unlimited knowledge and possibilities that ChatGPT provides are beyond words and expressions. Every day thousands of people are trying to explore what it can or cannot do by giving it different tasks. Whether you ask it to write an essay or create a story or give you facts, it has got it all. Today, let us try to learn how to play chess with ChatGPT.
Chess is an abstract board game that requires a lot of strategies, thinking, and planning. Till now, ChatGPT has been able to do things that are difficult and even complex, like explaining concepts of metaphysics or solving complicated Math problems. Knowing whether ChatGPT can play chess will be quite fascinating.
While going through some YouTube videos today, I found a channel called Stockfish in which Stockfish (the strongest available chess engine) made ChatGPT play chess with him and surprisingly defeated the intelligent Chat bot with his strategies and moves. I was very impressed with the video and thought of trying this myself to see if I, too, could win against the very smart and clever ChatGPT.
In This Article
How To Play Chess With ChatGPT?

In regard to chess, ChatGPT can help you to analyze plots, give suggestions and even play against you if you really want to. It is a language based on AI, so it cannot draw pictures or even refer to the internet to show you a chess board to explain the strategy, but it can give you answers based on the algebraic notation of the board.
ChatGPT can type the moves for you rather than actually moving the pieces physically. The tool seems quite knowledgeable in the field, where a good amount of training data is available for it to learn from. Chess is a complicated game, but it too comes with its set of rules and cannot be played till they are followed.
How to Start?
First of all, how to play chess with ChatGPT, it is not mandatory that you should be a pro at it. Even if you are a novice or an intermediate-level of player, you can still try your luck. Now, to avoid confusion and to better execute the game, you need to either have a physical chess board or a virtual one on your computer screen in front of you. Also, you need to have a basic understanding of PNG – Portable Game Notation of chess, without which ChatGPT cannot play chess.
Finally, you ask the chatbot to play with you and tell it your opening move with the help of PNG. It will respond accordingly and let the game begin.
What Next?

Although we got to know that ChatGPT can play chess in a way, there were some other queries too that were related to the chess game with ChatGPT. Some prompts that were answered by the chatbot are below:
Prompt: What is the best opening move in a chess game?
ChatGPT: There is no universally agreed-upon “best” opening move in chess, as each move has its own advantages and disadvantages. However, the most popular and commonly played opening move is 1.e4, also known as the King’s Pawn Opening. This move controls the center of the board, opens up lines for the queen and bishop, and prepares to castle the king. Another popular opening move is 1.d4, also known as the Queen’s Pawn Opening. This move also controls the center and prepares to develop the bishop and knight. Other popular opening moves include 1.Nf3, 1.c4, and 1.g3, among others. Ultimately, the choice of the opening move depends on personal preference and playing style, and there is no one “best” move for every situation.
Prompt: How to win a chess game with five moves?
ChatGPT: It’s highly unlikely to win a chess game in just five moves unless your opponent makes a serious mistake or blunder. However, there is a well-known chess opening that can sometimes lead to a quick victory, known as the “Scholar’s Mate.” Here are the five moves for this opening:
- e4 e5
- Qh5 Nc6
- Bc4 g6
- Qf3 Nf6
- Qb3 Nd4?!
This opening is a trap and relies on the opponent making the mistake of capturing the knight on f7, which can lead to a quick checkmate. However, experienced players are aware of this trap and will avoid falling into it. Keep in mind that the “Scholar’s Mate” is not a reliable or recommended strategy for winning chess games, and it’s important to focus on developing good chess fundamentals and improving your overall skills instead.
Prompt: What is the best move to checkmate an opponent fast?
ChatGPT: There is no single “best move” to checkmate an opponent quickly, as the most effective move will depend on the specific position of the pieces on the board. However, there are some common checkmating patterns and combinations that can lead to a fast checkmate if your opponent makes mistakes or fails to defend properly. Here are a few examples:
- Fool’s Mate: This is the fastest possible checkmate, and it relies on your opponent making a specific set of moves that allow you to deliver a quick checkmate. The moves are 1.f3 e5 2.g4 Qh4#.
- Scholar’s Mate: This is another quick checkmate that relies on your opponent making specific mistakes. The moves are 1.e4 e5 2.Qh5 Nc6 3.Bc4 g6 4.Qf3 Nf6 5.Qb3 Nd4 6.Bxf7+ Ke7 7.Qc4 b5 8.Qc5+ d6 9.Qc3 Kxf7 10.d3 d5, and White has a strong attack.
- Back-rank mate: This is a common checkmating pattern that occurs when your opponent’s king is trapped on the back rank and cannot escape. You can often achieve this by moving your queen or rook to the eighth rank and delivering a checkmate. The key is to remove any defenders of the back rank and to create a mating net with your pieces.
How Can ChatGPT Be Used For Chess?

Gamification is considered the ultimate tool to test any kind of bot or software. In the case of ChatGPT, how to play chess with ChatGPT was a way of trying to play chess with it, is also a way to test its capabilities. Some ways to use ChatGPT in the context of chess are:
1. Practising Tool:
ChatGPT is a great way to practice chess and improve your game. You can constantly check and play various strategies to figure out what works for you best. Trying out various openings, moves, and strategies will eventually improve your game, making you a pro at it.
2. Suggestion Provider:

Even if you are not playing a chess game with ChatGPT, but you are in a game with a friend or even a computer, and you feel stuck, ChatGPT has got you. While in a tough spot, you can turn to the chatbot to ask for a suggestion to avoid losing the game. It will provide you with a strategic move to help you. It also provides suggestions regarding the opening of a game or the best strategy to win a game in a quick time.
3. As An Analyzer:
ChatGPT can also turn into an analyzer to analyze a game of chess for you and provide you with feedback. It can highlight your strong and weak spots and can also provide you an insight into where you should focus more. It can be a good tool to help you learn from your mistakes.
How to Get the Most out of ChatGPT When Playing Chess?

We have already taken you through How to play chess with ChatGPT, now let us see how we can get the most out of ChatGPT:
1. Make sure that the question being asked is to the point and not too vague.
2. Make sure you have prior knowledge of PGN.
3. Even after getting a suggestion from ChatGPT, it is important to analyze and think about the move so that you can play the game better further.
Wrapping Up
To be honest, I did not have too many expectations about if ChatGPT could even play chess, but somehow it managed to surprise me one more time. Though not in the actual form, it still played chess in text form and kept the excitement of the game high.
It is important to note here that chess is a game of strategy, and the mind cannot be fully learned through any chatbot or software only. It takes practice and patience to work your way up in the game. ChatGPT can be your companion to help you make it better and bearable. That was it about this article on “How to Play Chess with ChatGPT?”.
Happy learning and playing!
Frequently Asked Questions
Can ChatGPT play chess with the board?
No, ChatGPT cannot process images of any sort. So, it can only play chess with PGN.
Does ChatGPT have microphone features to listen to what is being asked?
No, ChatGPT does not have the microphone feature. You can only type to ask any questions.
Can ChatGPT access the information from the internet?
No, ChatGPT cannot access the internet. It usually relies on the data that it has been trained to answer your queries.
Can ChatGPT write programming codes?
Yes, ChatGPT can be used to write programmable codes.