How to See If Someone is Active on TikTok: 2 Ways to Check Active Status!

Want to check someone’s active status on TikTok but don’t know how to check it? Well, it is very easy to check active status on TikTok just the way you do it on other social media platforms. But if you don’t know how to check the active status, don’t worry! I will tell you how to see if Someone is Active on TikTok in today’s article.

TikTok is a renowned name in the list of video-sharing platforms. And it has not evolved much like other social media platforms and has stuck to its initial identity of being a video-sharing application. Of course, you can send messages and share videos with each other on TikTok, but it is not something TikTok is known for and used for. Right?

So without further ado, let’s jump into the article and learn how to see if someone is Active on TikTok. Why wait, then? Let begin!

Can You See If Someone is Active on TikTok?

Can You See if Someone is Active on TikTok?

Yes, you can see if someone is active on TikTok, but only for your mutual followers, and also, both of you should have turned your Active Status setting on.

When I say Mutual followers, it means you both are in each other’s followers list. If only one of you is following the other, then only the one who is following can see if the person is active or not, provided both of you have turned the active status On. It is the same as Instagram and Whatsapp.

Conditions to Check Active Status

It is very easy to see if someone is active on TikTok. You just need to fulfill certain criteria. Here are some conditions you need to fulfill in order to check someone’s active status on TikTok:

  • First, you should be Mutual followers.
  • Second, both of you should have turned Active Status On.

In any of these two conditions are not fulfilled, you cannot see if someone is active on TikTok.

How to See If Someone is Active on TikTok?

How to See if Someone is Active on TikTok?

You have two ways to see if someone is Active on TikTok or not, but only when you are mutual followers- Active status and Last Active Status. And to know how to check the active status and last active status on TikTok, read what follows next.

How to Check Active Status on TikTok?

To check someone’s Active Status on TikTok, you can visit the person’s profile or look for them in your Inbox and message thread. And in the profile or Inbox, if you find a green dot on their profile picture, this indicates their Active Status.

But keep in mind that this green dot appears for some time, even after the person becomes inactive.

If you do not find the Green dot on the profile, you can check for the Last Active Status. To check the last active status, head to the Inbox or message threads, and there you will find the timestamp indicating the time when the user was last seen.

Keep in mind last active status shows you active status for up to 2 days only. If a user is not active for more than two days, you will find no status.

How to Turn Activity Status On?

How to Turn Activity Status On?

Turning the active status On is one of the conditions to fulfill before TikTok allows you to check if someone is active or not. And to turn on the active Status on TikTok, you need to follow the steps stated below:

Step 1: Open the TikTok app.

Step 2: Tap on the Profile icon from the bottom.

Step 3: Tap on the Menu button at the top.

Step 4: Tap on the Setting and privacy.

Step 5: Tap on Privacy.

Step 6: Turn the Active Status On.

Note: This Setting is turned off by default.

And you are done! This is how you can turn Activity Status on. Once you turn the Setting on, you can also see the Active Status of mutual followers who have also kept their Active Status on.

Wrapping Up

With this, I come to the end of this blog, and I hope you know now how to see if someone is active on TikTok. Just turn your active status on, and then you can easily check if someone is Active or not. So go ahead and change this default setting now. And yeah! For more such queries related to TikTok, you can comment in the comments section below.

So, guys, that is it for today. Take Care! And keep visiting our website, Path of EX, for more such queries related to Social media, Gaming, and Technology. Till then, Bye! Bye!

Daksha Gupta

A big time introvert. Daksha is a shy and socially awkward person. She is a full time dog lover and half time human. She finds her comfort in simple artistic expressions. Her love for art, dance, and writing transcends her into another world.

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